Greetings working part of our population! Especially the one that most of the working time spends in the same position - whether it is sitting or standing, no matter. The main thing is that the lack of healthy activity leads to various congestive phenomena in the body, which ultimately can lead to very deposits.

But from any problem there is a way out and especially for you there is such a direction like yoga in the office. What consequences will help to avoid and what exercises can be performed, without leaving the "cash register", learn a second later.

Office use of yoga

Yoga, about which we will talk about today, performs functions that do not allow to manifest themselves and develop with many diseases, often caused by human incidence. I will list the common:

  • Worsening blood circulation.
  • Lack of oxygen in cells and tissues, reduction of lung volume.
  • Spinal disease from and to and kyphosis.
  • Reducing the mobility of the joints, the energization of the cartilage, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.
  • Chronic back pain and neck.
  • Headache, migraine.
  • Displacement and deterioration in the work of the internal organs.
  • Diseases of the urinary sphere.
  • Reducing sensitivity, convulsions, numbness, paralysis.
  • Psychological breakdowns, depressive states, panic attacks.

Yoga in the workplace

All exercises are selected in such a way that you can do without getting out of the working chair and not paying for yourself special attention surrounding.

Note that all the listed exercises are performed from the sitting position, if not being said about other.

Such a small complex, made 2-3 times per shift, will largely reduce the likelihood of "earning" a professional sore.

Share useful with friends, subscribe to the newsletter, send comments and photos of your office workout. Let it become an inspiration for others!

Yoga Club conducts yoga classes in your office. You can do at a convenient time: in the morning, day and evening. This is a convenient format of classes for modern people and organizations.

The rabid rhythm of office life sometimes leaves no chance of good health And vigor all day.
Fatigue accumulates, pain in the neck, lower back, irritability, lack of interest and motivation ... And so much still needs to be done! Familiar?

How to get out of the state of chronic fatigue and cheer out your body without leaving the office?

Start practicing yoga in the office with a personal instructor. Yoga is an oldest health practice coming to the rescue now, in the age of modern technologies.

Why do you need yoga in the office:

  • Yoga helps to quickly remove stress, recover
  • During yoga, your brain is unloading
  • All trash of everyday worries and problems goes, you clean your psyche
  • Corporate yoga classes develop the state of inner calm and silence
  • Yoga is healing your body
  • The joints become flexible, internal organs get massage and recovery
  • All organism systems begin to function at a higher level, you become younger than its biological age.
  • Problems with the back are solved, life tone, immunity rises

This is a small list of problems of a modern business person solved with corporate yoga In just one and a half hours of class three times a week.

You can sign up for a test lesson right now!

Call by phone - +7 926 596 87 15, Sophia or write to mail - [Email Protected]website

For whom:

For all who work in the office.

Imagine what can be achieved with daily classes when corporate yoga It becomes a way of your life.

What do you give regular yoga classes in the office:

  • Solving all health problems
  • State deep relaxation and energy recovery achieved naturally
  • Tide of cheerfulness throughout the day
  • Peace and harmony of soul and body
  • The development of intuition, which is very important when performing financial transactions
  • Harmony in relationships at work and with loved ones
  • Increase collective cohesion and team spirit

And it's still not full list What opens to a person walking along the way of yoga. This is not one week program and even a month. But everything is achievable to someone who goes.

If you are working in the office, then probably, from time to time, experience the state of physical stress. It is very possible that you are experiencing both mental tension, which is the result of constant efforts to cope with your duties and meet the requirements for you.

The human body is intended for movement, active lifestyle, it suffers if it is deprived of such an opportunity. The joints retain flexibility, and the muscles are elasticity only when they work. Movement is natural and necessary, but most office posts are associated with a long seat in the same position. Along with the exercise, you need fresh air, a lot of oxygen, but since you spend most of the time in the room, then you can hardly get it. All this affects physical health, mental abilities, emotional stability, mood, ability to focus.

You probably think that physical exercises - Separate part of your everyday lifeFor which you need to remove a special time at the beginning and end of the working day. However, it happens enough to give a few minutes for charging a couple of times during the working day to remove muscle tension and stress. If you work out the habit of including movements in your life in the office, you avoid fatigue accumulating throughout the day.

If you are disturbing the thought about how you will do the exercises in the office, in front of people, please do not worry. Many of the movements are performed so that they do not get into the eyes at all, and you yourself will become bold, when you feel that your classes benefit.


Lift shoulders and mixing blades

Make a deep breath and slowly lift your shoulders, as if you are trying to reach your ears. Make an exhale, lowering shoulders and at the same time browing the blades. Take the blades back with the effort, as if you want them to connect to the end.

Continue exhale while slowly, but with effort lower your shoulders down, slightly pulling them back. Feel how the distance between ears and shoulders increases. Imagine that in each hand you hold a heavy bag that pulls you down. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary. Probably, after four or five times you will feel relief.

Turns of the head

This series of exercises is an adaptation of the Yoga section called "Brahma Mudra". They can be performed separately or as preparatory exercises Before stronger stretch marks. They will help to remove tension from the neck, will put in order of thought, help to focus. Perform moves slowly, conscious of what you do, and synchronizing breathing movements. Let your eyes send your movements, and the head follows your view.

Take a breath, looking straight in front of yourself, then look up on the ceiling. Pump your head back, but not very much so that there is no unpleasant feeling. Make an exhalation, returning your head in starting position And smoothly tilting it forward, at the same time, try to touch the chin of the throat depression. Repeat the exercise two more times.

Take a breath slowly turning the head to look through the right shoulder. Let the head followed. Make an exhalation, returning your head to its original position and smoothly tilting it forward, while trying to touch the chin of the throat depression.

Return the head to its original position. Take a breath slowly looking around the left shoulder. Make an exhalation, returning your head to its original position and smoothly tilting it forward. Take a breath, returning the head to its original position - right.

Repeat turns twice.

Spaging Spine

Take the initial position sitting and straighten the spine. Put your hands on the lower back, thumbs are directed forward. Take a breath and pull up, lifting and straightening chest. On the exhalation, slowly drive back so that the back takes the shape of the smooth arc, while continue to raise the chest. Shoulders Take back, shovels.

If there was no unpleasant feeling, slowly throw the head back and look at the ceiling. Hold this position for a while, breathing should be free. Inhale and slowly return to the original vertical position.

Twisting spine

Put left in front of them, palm touches outdoor Right thigh. Welcome right hand Behind the back so that the back of the palm relates to the waist on the left side.

Take a breath, straightening the spine from the pelvis and expanding the chest. On the exhalation, slowly turn the head right and look back over the shoulder. Let the eyes send traffic: it will help keep your neck healthy and long.

Take a breath and pull. Make exhale and turn top Cases as far as possible to the right. Right shoulder relax and remove backwards.

Hold in this position, breathing slowly and calmly. Let with each exhale turn turns the body. Do not force the movement, just perform it according to breathing.

Turn face forward on the breath. Lower your hands. Repeat the turn to the other side.

In which they talked about how. Today we will tell about how to practice yoga with colleagues in the middle of the working day to relieve tension, eliminate stress, as well as strengthen the influx of blood to the brain. This practice It does not take more than 10 minutes and will not require a rug from you. But small physical workout On the basis of Asan Yoga will contribute to improving labor productivity. Invite colleagues in the recreation area for the joint practice of yoga!

Tune in to practice. Stand straight. Namaste hand position. Close your eyes. You are in this position about 1 minute. Try to relax, let go of thoughts, align the breath.

Exercise Complex (Asan Yoga)

(execution technique)

Tadasana is the first and very important standing asana. It is necessary to stand exactly, motionless and calm, like a grief. Do not burn the lower back. Do not down the head and do not lower it down.

Asana improves posture, promotes the release of spine nerves, helps to keep the spine, as well as joints of the hands and legs with young and flexible.

(execution technique)

Maximen as possible to the torso to the legs. Put your head on your knees. Put the belly on the hips. Do not round your back, she should be smooth! If it is impossible, bend your knees. Gradually, you can straighten them.

Heartbeats in Utanasan slows down. Neighten spinal nerves. When performing at least 2 minutes eliminates depression, soothes the mind.

(execution technique)

Asana pulls out and aligns the spine, eliminates the pain in the back and in the neck, strengthens the ankles and reveals the chest.

I (execution technique)

Translated as a hero posture. Asana strengthens the hip joints and shoulders. Try it in pose 10-15 of the cycles of breathing, then you will understand why

Sometimes the work takes the last forces. However, carefully performing certain exercises from yoga during the day, it is possible to significantly improve its physical and mental state. Arrange yourself a wellness break - you need you and deserve you! Returning to the deeds, you will find what they are working with the work more efficiently. We found yoga exercises for the office in the book "Yoga between the case" of the former TV presenter, and now the instructor on Yoga Christine Chen.

Now you will certainly knock on the keys, wrapping an infinite avalanche of emails. Give your brushes and wrists a good workout so that they continue to serve you faithfully. Call them on the battle and spend the stack of wrists right behind the desktop!

  1. Cut off the screen and move the look at something pacifying, for example, on a flower in a pot.
  2. Pull your hands forward, slightly bent in the elbows.
  3. Bind your fingers and, not tightening them, press the palms tightly to each other.
  4. Start drawing grinding eights in one direction. The movement should go from the wrist.
  5. Breathe slow and smoothly.
  6. Now change the direction. It may be harder than you think!
  7. Continue to draw twenty-thirty seconds: Professional fight never lasts long.

Why do the exercise. Our wrists are so small and fragile in comparison with the torso, and we vail so much work on them! We have a lot of hours holding your hands above the keyboard in the same position, without giving the wrists normally move. As a result, they weaken and lose elasticity, and this is a direct path to the development of diseases. Smooth spinning of wrists in combination with rhythmic breathing enhances blood flow to brushes and fills the fingers with force and energy to combat the project.

After communicating with the boss twisted the stomach? Desperately, I want to shout unproduce to take the soul? Do not make an offense to poison all the remaining day - it's better to sit down and perform a twisting exercise to get rid of the tension and squeeze the whole negative.

  1. Sit on a rotating chair, slightly move to the edge of the seat.
  2. Turn to the table. Put in parallel, fingers towards the table.
  3. Put the left palm on the table; Put the right palm on the seat next to you, near the right buttock, fingers from yourself.
  4. In the breath, stretch the top to the ceiling. Feel how the spine is lengthened.
  5. At the exhalation, turn the case to the right, while at the same time retracting the navel inside.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5, each time dries all stronger.
  7. Return to the original position and exercise in the other way.

Why do the exercise. Twisting poses in yoga play very important role - You seem to "squeeze yourself" anxiety and lethargy. This exercise is a vertical version of Jathara Parigartanasana - twisting in the position lying down with the abdominal turn. It helps to get rid of the negative and the tight feeling under the spoon, supports and restores elasticity lumbar muscle. Thanks to alternate twisting and relaxation abdominal wall Digestion organs are toned, toxins leave, energy circulation is enhanced.

The fact that our body is in principle not adapted to sit for a long time, you probably heard. But that long-term sink of a computer depletes stocks special view The energy required for mental work? Find a bath towel, a big fat scarf or a thin blanket - and learn how the yoga is restored.

  1. To begin with, stand up from the table and pull out from the soul.
  2. Make a deep breath and after a second pause noisily and energetically breathe through the mouth, releasing the tension and caused its situation.
  3. Prepare a roller: accurately roll up a towel, a scarf or a blanket into a roll, as shown in the figure. Do not comprehend the time to smooth it well before twisted: the bugs you are completely nothing, and then, it is harmful to the back. The length of the roller should approximately correspond to the distance between the sacrum and the base of the neck.
  4. Sit on the chair. Place the roller vertically behind your back, along the spine.
  5. Move back to the stop and the lower back press the bottom edge of the roller to the back of the seat.
  6. Now lean back, on the roller. Feel how the shoulders and chest stretch and expand.

Why do the exercise. By clicking on the computer, we deprive our brain of the required nutrition and block Prana-Waiy - one of the most important energies in our body. Prana-Waiy circulation stimulates vision and hearing, activates creative abilities and logical thinkingAnd also feeds our enthusiasm, that is, it provides us with everything necessary for efficient work. In my opinion, for the sake of it worth bringing a scarf, towel or blanket, is it true? The roller helps to align the spine "In String" and redistribute the load; The muscles of the neck, shoulders and back relax, and the body no longer spends so many forces to maintain the body in a sitting position. As a result, the energy is released, which can be spent on something useful.

You went to work with your head and completely lost a bill of time, and the loin and the tailbone are already screaming that they need a break. To align the body after a long stay in any position, yoga use compensating poses. This posture will bring deep relief of the feet and lower back. It requires effort, but it is worth it!

  1. Stand up the table to it. Clear place.
  2. For an extra support, put your palms on the table approximately on the width of the shoulders.
  3. Raise the right leg, at the same time bending it in the knee and turning to the right, and place the skin in front of yourself on the table. The knee must also lie on the table, a little leaving the shoulder line. Move the right hand to the side, but do not remove from the table.
  4. Try sock right leg To the shin. Strain the foot, as if you want to split the table with her edge.
  5. Slightly go about the table with your left hand.
  6. Put the right palm on the right thigh - the wrist on the fold between the thigh and the pelvis, the fingers towards the knee.
  7. Mildly click on the hip palm, turning it to the table. It's not easy, but you still try. Do not tilt the case to the side and keep the pelvis even to fix the lower back.
  8. If you feel comfortable, stay in this position for some time. Then, with a straight back, lean forward to the monitor. For an extra support, move the fingers of the left hand forward on the table; Smoothly deploy the hips to increase the depth of the tilt. Be careful if you have knee injuries.
  9. Perform a few respiratory cycles. Smooth breathing will help you relax.
  10. Repeat steps 3-9 to the other side.

Why do the exercise. The position of the legs here is borrowed from the posiction of a single-legged king pigeon (Eca Faud Raja Capotasans) - it's easier to do what to say! Exercise lengthens the iliac-lumbar muscle that is responsible for bending the hip, which is gradually shortening from long seating. It also does not give our hip joints to lose mobility and elasticity. The slope to the legs soothes the mind, like all such yoga poses.

Comment Article "How to do yoga in the office - without a rug for yoga: 4 exercises"

Yoga is normal 2 times a week? Change at once a week yoga, times fitness. I want to go to yoga and be healthier or want not to walk and turn into a kissel or iron that's why I do not go to group classesAfter having learned all the exercises becomes very boring ...

Fitness and sports, group classes in fitness centers and with instructor, simulators, swimming pool. Need advice. I go to yoga classes for about a month. I want to buy your rug. Price limit 2500 rubles. According to reviews on the Internet could not decide.

I can't sit long in one pose. In principle, it does not annoy me, but at work at meetings I am always surprised at some comrades who will sit down and sit all the consultation, the maximum leg legs will be shifted, or twist will twist.

The first (introductory) classes is enough if you have already been engaged in other types of yoga, you know the foundations of breathing. There are still books, with pictures and instruties, there is a book with audio-diet. In the book recommended to make analyzes of the main hormones before the start ...

Pose standing. - Sowing. Cases intimate. Sexual relations: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. POST - EXIPPLICATION # 1. With two additional points of support (crushes and blades) to get up at the wall and raise relaxed hands.

There are such people who do yoga? Then he changed to Callanetic. The same slow aerobics (if you do not perceive yoga, as a whole separate culture), the occupation of an hour, but much, incomparably intense. After the first I, with great difficulty, scored myself from the rug and barely ...

To begin to engage in yoga at 30 week, if it was not manifested before that special activity, fraught ... I said if not engaged. Yoga should be precisely for pregnant women - there is much easier exercise. The instructor always said to do everything slowly and as soon as ...

Yoga is evil!. Wife and husband. Family relationships. Yoga is evil! Locked - my husband threw me! No, I did not offer to divorce and did not collect things, but two hours ago I said that I was leaving for planning to do yoga. Schedule: Moscow. There are such people who do yoga?

I want to start yoga to do, fitness at home I am still doing a long time. I read the literature on yoga, I bought myself a book illustrated "Ayengar- Yoga for Women" called, the author M.Shyshffers, it seems to be special problems With plastic No ...

In general, any practitioner of yoga ends with relaxation and Shavasana, go after yoga in a simulator - how to drink milk after cucumbers)) Therefore, it is logical to do gym During pregnancy? Who classes in the gym are contraindicated.

Recommendations for beginners to engage in yoga. Styles of yoga. Yoga is evil! Locked - my husband threw me! No, it was not offered to divorce and did not collect things, but two hours ago he said that he was leaving for a few weeks to warm countries with a rug for yoga and a change of linen.

pose from above. Problem. Cases intimate. Sexual relations: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. Pose from above. People, I have a question: who loves to have sex on a man, do you not get tired of your hands? And in general it is convenient?

Yoga for dummies. Hello everyone :) There are more people here than in fitness ;-) I would like to do yoga, but going to the club while I'm not ready. During daily Charge I decided to try at least sit down correctly - I do not know what it is called this position of the legs, but it's like ...

Give her to play in this pose. - Help her bend the legs and fix them with the second leg. Thus, the girl will stand for some time on all fours, preparation for childbirth with yoga: detailed description Exercises. Print version. Stand on all fours.

Pose from above. Girls, maybe it sounds stupid. But she lived to 35 and faced ... the problem is to call or inability? The rider does not work in general: (they don't know how to move as moving, more precisely, the amplitude is missing or something, I'm bad, in general, everything is bad: (Feet on ...

i will not say about yoga and pregnancy, but - three years ago I started doing yoga. 4 days of classes and resistant tempo up to 38 within 10 weeks I will also swim, until autumn, I hope it will work out every day. In the oscincion, in yoga there must be adaptation for pregnant women.

I am engaged in four in the fitness center of the month, but now I started doing individually with the coach. I am confused by the fact that after training I want to lie down and die. The well-being is terrible, weakness, it is raging, in the heat throws, the hands are shaking.

Yoga is, of course, not Tsatski-Pets, as they say, but a whole philosophy and wisdom of life. However, from your thread I did not quite understand now about the difference of stretching and yoga. As far as I know the question of the question, stretchings are secondary compared to yoga and are actually created on ...

www. Yoga .ru - in the center there is special yoga for pregnant women. In general, just your teacher is simply inexperienced in this matter, because it does not want to take responsibility. You can do, as before, only without standing asan and Asan, where the press is very strained. in...

Psychologists believe that the pose of a person testifies to certain features of its nature or psychological state. I propose to check this statement on yourself (if it turns out, it will be possible to continue the experiment on others). So, become in front of the mirror and admission ...

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