For everyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds, it is very important to "lose" just the fat mass - our most important weighting agent. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the first thing that weighs more leaves, and the inner "layer" leaves us reluctantly - this is where such unpleasant folds on the sides, ugly "creases" on the body come from ... How to measure the amount of fat in the body and understand once and for all where the norm, but where is the crime against your own health?

Often we do not notice how we accumulate kilograms, which interfere with maintaining health and activity. To avoid the troubles that overweight brings with it, it is important to stop in time, start by changing the diet and fighting physical inactivity. Proof that you only need to eat healthy food, and move more, will be a critical percentage of body fat. How to calculate it and why it is dangerous, we will talk in this article.

Inside and outside: understanding the concepts

The "reserves" that we accumulate are divided into two types:

  • Subcutaneous
  • Visceral

The first is a kind of energy reserve for every day. The more often and more abundantly we eat, and most importantly - the worse food affects our figure, the more fat is stored in the bins. It accumulates on the sides, abdomen, chest, waist and hips. Getting rid of it is not as easy as we would like - it is necessary not only to form the diet in a new way, removing everything harmful and high-calorie from it, but also to completely change the usual way of life. However, it is even more difficult to deal with another enemy - visceral fat.

It appears and accumulates not outside, but inside: "reserves" are distributed around the organs and are layers of adipose tissue. Some have more, and some have less. The main thing is that their volume, which is considered the norm, should be no more than 10-15% of the total number of all fat cells in our body. In this case, visceral deposits will not harm - on the contrary, they even protect organs from the influence of the internal environment.

However, the greater the deviation from the norm, the greater the danger to which we expose ourselves. The consequences of exceeding the "limit" are the most deplorable:

  • development of varicose veins;
  • myocardial infarction - the load on the heart affects its work and leads to inevitable failures;
  • fatty hepatosis - replacement of liver cells with fat cells;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • metabolic disease;
  • increased risk of oncology.

Visceral fat presses on the internal organs, preventing them from functioning normally - hence diseases, weakness, depression caused by one's own impotence. Even breathing becomes more difficult - ventilation of the lungs deteriorates, and with it the balance of oxygen in the body is disturbed.

The problem is that it is much more difficult to get rid of such fat than from subcutaneous fat - it is much lighter in weight. So we rejoice, standing on the scales - we dropped the heaviest load! But in fact, it's time to think: have the visceral deposits disappeared?

In order for them to go away, you need to work long and hard, and most importantly, observe the changes and regularly measure the volume of the body. The best option is this: the number of extra pounds, with which we said goodbye, should be equal to the number of centimeters gone (- 20 kg and 20 cm). It remains to be seen how to measure the percentage of body fat in order to understand how much remains to be lost.

Losing weight is a difficult and complex process. Each of us needs an incentive, and a decreasing rate is just the perfect motivator! You can find many techniques on the Internet, but we will focus on the most popular ones and try to understand whether they work or not.

How to Determine Your Body Fat Percentage: The Simpler The Better

    The first method is to scrutinize yourself in front of a mirror. This method is one of the most inaccurate, but it has one plus - an objective assessment of your body. If your inner voice tells you that it's time to take care of yourself, and the folds on the sides and stomach give out a love for sweets and fast food, it is time to act, and not sit back. The first step is to contact a specialist - he will draw up a weight loss program, taking into account the characteristics of your body, and form a diet that will help you not to gain weight, eating tasty and healthy.

    The next method is “dressing room”. Let us warn you right away: it is unlikely to help determine the percentage of fat with impeccable accuracy, but it will help to trace the general trend. And it will also be a great incentive to fight overweight. We need clothes that were bought relatively recently. Put it on and then take it off. Pay close attention to how the fitting procedure takes place: if in order to take off your jeans, you apply some effort - pull them long and persistently, noting that it was easier before - it's time to lose weight.

    The last method is standard measurements. We take a regular tape measure and check the volumes in two places - triceps and waist. We must record the data - they can be recorded in a food diary, if you keep it. As soon as it seems to you that you have gained weight, repeat the described manipulations. An increase is a good reason for contacting a specialist and changing your lifestyle. You don't want the results to get worse day by day, do you? Then don't put off your new life until next Monday - it should start right now.

How to measure the percentage of body fat and find out the whole truth about your body: looking for a formula

How do you start counting when you know for sure that the result will turn out to be wrong? The fact is that the most common formulas (for example, "a person's height minus 100") do not give the correct figure. Let's put it bluntly: there is no perfect example in which we could substitute our indicators. The methods of Lorenz, Brock and Ketele do not work simply because they were created for the diagnosis of dystrophy or obesity. I must say that they cope with their task badly - a person's physique is not taken into account, but it is different for everyone.

    First we measure the waist.

    Then we start calculating the coefficient. To do this, we measure the hips and calculate: we divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. The resulting figure is compared with the norm (0.88 for women and 0.95 for men). If the result is greater, it's time to remove visceral fat.

However, this method cannot be called true - the characteristics of the body and body type are not taken into account. Competent measurement of the percentage of body fat is possible only at an appointment with a specialist. Alas, many losing weight remember this only after they have tried all modern techniques on themselves and are convinced that they are of little use.

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Determining the percentage of body fat using a calculator

Another option is for those who are used to looking for a solution to a problem on the Internet. On special sites, they suggest calculating fat volumes using a calculator - a program that sums or divides the indicators that you substituted in the cells.

You indicate:

  • your gender;
  • age;
  • height (without shoes)
  • waist circumference (measured at the level of the navel);
  • hip girth;
  • the circumference of the pelvis.

After that, the program calculates and gives you the desired figure. Everything is extremely easy, however, we would not recommend trusting this method: here again, the characteristics of your body are not taken into account, which leads to a distortion of the desired result.

How to measure your body fat: the pinch test

Another option found on numerous forums and sites is the simplest. For calculations:

    We find a place on the stomach to the right of the navel and pull off the fat with our fingers or a caliper - a special device.

    Then we look at the indicator, measuring the thickness of the fold. We act in the same way, determining the reserves of adipose tissue on the shoulder (at the elbow bend) and on the shoulder blade. We add up the results.

The table for determining the percentage of body fat will help to calculate the optimal indicator. Just take the necessary measurements and correlate the results with the numbers that you see on the screen. Looking for the perfect fit? Pay attention to the level marked in green.

The first option is for women, the second is for men. True, this technique also has its drawbacks, the most important of which is a low level of reliability. There are other ways, but in order to try them on yourself, you need devices more precise than a caliper.

How to find out the percentage of body fat: weighing ourselves under water

It is not worth carrying out this procedure at home - you will need special equipment, which is only in the specialist's office. The method under consideration is called hydrodensitometry. The person is lowered into a bathtub or large tank filled with water.

This procedure is based on the following fact: the density of non-adipose tissue is much higher than that of fat. Moreover, the former immediately go to the bottom, while the latter float on the surface like a float. Doctors weigh the patient first under water and then in the air. The obtained indicators are substituted into a special formula - the body composition is calculated. It turns out that the more bone and muscle tissue we have, the greater the figure obtained during the underwater measurement.

The features of the procedure are as follows:

    The temperature of the water in the tank / bath is constant (does not rise or fall).

    A device for measuring the volume of air in the lungs and a balance with a special "seat" are used as auxiliary equipment.

    The whole process can last from 45 minutes to an hour.

This technique is accurate, but it has one drawback - it is carried out only in scientific institutions and costs a lot of money. In addition, the underwater weighing procedure has its own contraindications. It cannot be passed by those who are afraid of immersion and cannot completely exhale the air from their lungs.

Calculating the percentage of fat: weighing on a bathroom scale with body analysis

The action of this device is based on the direction of a weak discharge of current through one leg, and then the other. Next, the smart weights calculate the percentage of losses. Alas, this method is one of the most inaccurate for one reason - the loss can be caused not only by a decrease in the volume of visceral fat. It remains only to guess what exactly we have lost and what results to expect.

X-ray body scan (DEXA): what it is

This method is already called the "gold standard" for measuring the percentage of body fat. The short name DEXA (Dexa) hides the examination of the patient using a special installation - a kind of X-ray scanner. What are the results of this procedure?

    body composition drawing up;

    measuring the amount of fat;

    determining the places where it is most often postponed.

The work of a special apparatus is reduced to dividing body weight into bone mass and the one that threatens our health - more and more every day. The advantages of such a survey are that you can find out which places you will have to work with first - for example, the hips or abdomen. The procedure is completely safe because it uses a scanner with a low dose of radiation. In addition, you will only have to stay in the device for 10-20 minutes.

Seems like this method has no drawbacks? Alas, this time it was not without them - accuracy is accuracy, but availability is definitely not about DEXA. The high cost of research makes it unprofitable for those who want to know the truth about their body without giving up on sound economics. From the first disadvantage follows the second - the repetition of such a procedure, which is required to clarify the result or check it in a few weeks, few people can afford.

Do you still want to find a method that will be optimal in terms of price-quality ratio? There is one more way - it seems to us one of the most effective.

How to Determine Body Fat Percentage: Bioimpedance

The last method is the most accurate. It allows you to determine the level of visceral fat, as well as find out:

  • what is your ideal weight;
  • whether there is fluid retention in the tissues;
  • how body weight is distributed, etc.

The procedure is performed using special equipment. Moreover, it is absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort (as is the case with hydrostatic measurement). A small device scans the body, after which the computer processes the data and issues a complete conclusion. Based on the results obtained:

    Special programs are selected to get rid of excess weight once and for all.

The procedure also has its own characteristics: for example, you cannot eat and drink before it for 3 hours. Also, you cannot go through it:

  • during pregnancy;
  • people with pacemakers and other implanted electronic devices.

The accuracy of such a study allows us to quickly determine the amount of fat "reserves" accumulated by our body. And knowing this indicator is another step to successful weight loss.

What percentage of body fat can be considered normal for women?

It is believed that for the beautiful half of humanity, the cherished figure is about 25%. This is the optimal level that is simply necessary to maintain efficiency, activity and conservation of vital energy.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the proportion of the required fat mass - 12%. These are deposits on the thighs, breasts and buttocks, the appearance of which is due to the reproductive functions of the female body. A decrease in the indicator leads to serious disruptions in the work of the body:

  • deterioration of metabolism;
  • termination of the menstrual cycle;
  • weakness and exhaustion.

We must not forget that the percentage of body fat must correspond to the norm, and this is true for both women and men. Prevent the deterioration of health and development of obesity, hepatosis, varicose veins and other companions of excess weight. The specialists of our clinic use the “Bioimpedance” method - one of the most accurate methods of calculating the volume of adipose tissue using high-tech equipment. With our help, you will learn how to form a healthy diet and start a new slender life, saying goodbye to extra pounds easily and easily!

The fight against fat has become global in recent years. The rapid increase in the weight of a significant number of the population, especially in developed countries, has made this problem more urgent than ever.

And it's not just the aesthetic side of the matter - fat people are at risk of developing so many diseases that it threatens to significantly reduce life expectancy and its quality.

In this article, we will take a closer look at all the ways to determine the percentage of fat in the human body.

In women, the fight against fat has become simply manic. They exhaust themselves with diets, sometimes unsafe for health, exhausting, they take suspicious drugs ...

However, it must be admitted that sometimes women only think that they are too fat. That is why, before starting the fight for weight loss, it is worth determining the percentage of body fat in order to develop a master plan to get rid of it. But how to determine the percentage of body fat, is there an ideal way?

We admit right away: there is no such way, to our great regret. However, we intuitively understand that there is too much fat in the human body, already from its appearance alone.

Obesity has different degrees, but if the percentage of fat is about a third of the total body weight, then it's time to sound the alarm.

However, the other extreme is also dangerous: if the percentage of body fat is too low, then this is a serious health risk.

In women, for example, a decrease below 10-13% is critical and causes the cessation of the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, infertility, and men, at values \u200b\u200bbelow 5-9%, look simply exhausted and lose their masculinity, since sex ceases to be produced in their body.

Are there clear guidelines for what percentage of body fat is optimal?

If we are talking about ordinary people who are not involved in bodybuilding, then age should also be taken into account - as it increases, the percentage of body fat also increases.

So, if for men under 30 years old, it averages 6-14%, then from 30 to 50 - 11-17%, and over 50 years old these figures increase to 12-19%.

A woman who nature has created for the continuation of the human race should have a greater percentage of fat in her body, because she needs to provide conditions for the development of the fetus, and fat serves as a "strategic reserve" for a rainy day.

Therefore, for women in the same age range, the dynamics is as follows: from 13-18% to 15-23%, and later to 16-25%.

If you consider yourself too well-fed / oh, or, simply put, fat / oh, then you will probably be interested in how to determine the percentage of body fat at home.

  • Method "by eye" on the photo ... Not the most reliable and rather subjective method, but still it will allow you to get a rough idea of \u200b\u200bhow much fat, including excess, in your body. Women should be warned right away: do not follow the models walking the catwalk - they are as close as possible to the ideal of fashion couturiers (a mop with a hanger).

In this article, you can find tables that show photographs of female and male figures of varying degrees of fullness, indicating the percentage of fat content.

Take off your clothes and in front of the mirror try to identify yourself with this or that photo. At the same time, you can see what awaits you, if you do not urgently take up yourself (remember: it's not only aesthetics, but also health).

  • Along the fold on the belly ... It is best to use a caliper, but if you do not have one, you can use a regular ruler. So: measure 10 cm from the navel to the right at the same level, pinch the skin with fat on the abdomen with your fingers so that you get a fold, and measure it in millimeters.

We look in the table for the thickness of the fat fold for different ages and by the color that is highlighted, you see which level you correspond to: low, ideal or medium.

  • Using a calculator. And here again our online calculator comes to our rescue, based on the measurement of various body parameters (chest, waist, hips, neck, etc.).

After completing all the proposed measurements, you can not only determine the percentage of body fat, but also get recommendations on how to get rid of its excess.

  • With water. Remember Archimedes' law with his “Eureka!”? Here, too, he set an example of how you can determine the percentage of body fat by completely immersing a person in water. The method is very laborious, although it is considered one of the most accurate.

There is a special formula for calculating the percentage of fat, moreover, for greater accuracy, dives are made repeatedly.

True, it is not possible to use this method at home due to the lack of special equipment, but in some clinics it is used.

  • Using bioimpedance analysis based on different levels of electrical conductivity in different tissues of our body. This method is considered the most accurate, as it provides valuable information about how much fat, muscle, water is in the body, and all this in a matter of minutes.

Electrodes are simply connected to the lying person in the right places, and they transmit the information to a special device.

The error is minimal - no more than 1.5-2%, but on the basis of these data, you can also calculate the optimal calorie intake.

How the scale can determine the percentage of body fat

Of course, we are not talking about ordinary, but about electronic medical scales, which show not only weight, but also, as in bioimpedance analysis, what percentage of water, muscle and bone tissue is in your body, what is its physical condition and metabolic rate.

The latter indicator allows you to determine the metabolic age, which is also very important. It happens that a relatively young, but more than well-nourished person has a metabolism that is more characteristic of older people.

True, such scales will cost a pretty penny, but all the indicators can be obtained at home.

But even ordinary scales can be a good incentive in losing weight if you use them regularly, since you have already embarked on the path of combating excess fat.

Related article: ""

Julia Weber

How to find out the percentage of fat and muscle in the body for a woman

Many women, in pursuit of an ideal figure, sit on half-starved diets and rejoice at every kilogram that has gone. Their obsession is to lose weight, reduce body volume.

Here we will not talk about how to properly lose weight. Consider the question of how to find out the percentage of fat and muscle mass in the body.

Do losing weight women think about how their weight is lost? Often not. If you have lost a few pounds and your body volume has decreased by a few centimeters, this is not necessarily the loss of the hated fat. You may have lost weight due to the loss of water or muscle mass from the body. Therefore, it is useful to know how much fat is contained in the body, and how much muscle and monitor changes in indicators. This will allow you to see what you need to work on: use intense training to lose fat, or focus on strength training and nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

Our body is made up of different tissues. In scientific words - body composition.

There are various models describing body composition:

two-component model - the sum of fat mass and lean body mass

Body fat - the mass of all lipids in the body. Its content can vary widely.

Distinguish between essential fat, which is part of the protein-lipid complex of most body cells, and non-essential fat (triglycerides) in adipose tissues.

Essential fat necessary for the normal metabolism of organs and tissues. Women have a higher proportion of essential fat than men. It is believed that the relative content of essential body fat is very stable and ranges from 2 to 5% of lean body mass for different people.

Non-essential fat performs the function of thermal insulation of internal organs. The content of non-essential fat increases with excess nutrition and decreases with insufficient nutrition.

The amount of adipose tissue in the body in different people can vary significantly and individually change over the course of life. This can be associated with both normal physiological changes in the process of growth and development of the body, and metabolic disorders. The average percentage of adipose tissue in adults is usually between 10% and 20-30% of body weight.

Non-essential fat consists of subcutaneous and internal fat. Subcutaneous fat is distributed relatively evenly along the surface of the body. Internal (visceral) fat is concentrated mainly in the abdominal cavity. It was found that the risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases associated with overweight has a higher relationship with the content of internal, rather than subcutaneous, fat. There is a concept of abdominal fat, which is a combination of internal and subcutaneous fat, localized in the abdomen.

Lean body mass - body weight excluding fat. The components of lean body mass are total body water, muscle mass, skeletal mass, and other constituents.

three-piece models:

The sum of body fat, total body water, and lean body mass without fat

The sum of body fat, mineral body mass and soft tissue fat-free fraction

four-piece models:

The sum of body fat mass, total body water, mineral body mass and residue mass

The sum of body fat mass, cell body mass, extracellular fluid mass and extracellular solid mass

five-level multicomponent model - the structure of the body is considered at the elemental, molecular, cellular, tissue levels and at the level of the organism as a whole

Determination of body composition is essential in sports, nutrition, anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care. It is used in the treatment of anorexia, obesity, osteoporosis, and several other conditions.

Coaches and sports therapists use body composition analysis to optimize the training regimen during competition preparation. Studies of the strongest athletes have made it possible to establish the optimal values \u200b\u200bof fat and muscle body mass. But there are still no uniform standards and they vary depending on the type of sport, specific specialization and the level of training of athletes.

Various methods are used to determine the composition of the human body. And there are a huge number of formulas. We will not delve into and describe them all in detail, because research is carried out in laboratories and clinics by specialists and knowledge of all these subtleties is simply not needed. Consider the simplest and most popular methods that allow you to calculate the percentage of adipose tissue and lean body mass.


It consists in measuring the thickness of skin and fat folds in certain parts of the body using special measuring devices - calipers.

Today, a large number of different models of calipers are produced, differing from each other in design features, measurement accuracy, conditions of use, price and other indicators. The accuracy of determining the thickness of folds with plastic calipers is, as a rule, lower than with metal ones.

All measurements are taken on the right side of the body. Holding the caliper in the right hand, grasp the skin and fat fold with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, the distance between which, depending on the thickness of the fold, should be 4 to 8 centimeters, and gently, without causing painful sensation, raise the fold to a height of about 1 centimeter.

The caliper is placed perpendicular to the fold, with the measurement scale at the top. The working surfaces of the caliper are placed 1 centimeter from the thumb and forefinger, midway between the base and crest of the crease.

Carefully and completely release the pressure of the caliper arcs on the fold, then within 3-4 seconds, according to the scale readings, its thickness is determined, maintaining the fold in a raised position.

The fold must be taken quickly, since with prolonged compression due to imbalance in the fluid balance in the near-surface areas of the body, it becomes thinner.

The skin in the measurement areas must be dry. It is not recommended to conduct the examination immediately after intense physical activity or overheating.

There are over 100 caliperometric formulas available for body composition. These formulas correspond to various schemes for the selection of measurement sites.

The most popular are the following schemes:

  • In two folds: on the back of the shoulder and in the middle of the lower leg in the back
  • Three folds: on the back of the shoulder, upper iliac and in the middle of the thigh behind
  • Four folds: on the back of the shoulder, upper iliac, on the abdomen near the navel, in the middle of the thigh; or on the front and back of the shoulder, under the scapula, upper iliac
  • Seven folds: on the back of the shoulder, on the chest, axillary, under the scapula, upper iliac, on the abdomen near the navel, in the middle of the thigh behind
  • Eight folds: under the scapula, on the front of the shoulder, on the back of the shoulder, on the forearm, on the chest, on the abdomen near the navel, on the upper thigh, on the upper leg

How to remove folds

On the back of the shoulder - a vertical fold taken over the triceps muscle with the arm lowered and relaxed. Taken on the midline of the back of the shoulder in the middle between the acromial and olecranon processes

On the front of the shoulder - a vertical fold taken over the biceps in the middle between the acromial and olecranon processes, the arm is relaxed and located along the body

In the middle of the lower leg from the back - a vertical fold taken on the midline of the medial surface of the calf at the level of the maximum circumference.

Superior iliac fold - a diagonal crease taken directly above the iliac crest, along its natural line.

In the middle of the thigh at the back - a vertical fold taken from behind over the quadriceps muscle in the middle of the thigh of the right leg (measured in a standing position; the center of gravity is shifted to the left leg, the right leg is relaxed).

On the stomach near the navel - a vertical fold, which is taken at the level of the navel on the right at a distance of 2 centimeters from it.

Under the shoulder blade - a diagonal fold (from top to bottom, from inside to outside), located at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of 2 centimeters down from the lower angle of the scapula

On the chest - a diagonal fold (from top to bottom, outside to inside), taken in the middle between the anterior axillary line and the nipple (in women, 1/3 of the distance)

Axillary - a vertical fold taken on the mid-axillary line at the level of the xiphoid process of the sternum

On the forearm - vertical fold on the front surface of the forearm at its widest point

On the upper thigh - taken in a sitting position on a chair, legs bent at the knees at right angles. The fold is measured in the upper part of the right thigh on the anterolateral surface parallel to the course of the inguinal fold, slightly below it

On the upper part of the lower leg - the fold is measured in the same position as on the upper thigh. It is taken almost vertically on the posterolateral surface of the upper part of the right leg, at the level of the lower corner of the popliteal fossa

How to calculate body fat percentage

Of the many formulas, the most popular is the Matejka formula, which is used for age groups over 16 years old. The formula for determining the mass of adipose tissue in the body (MTB) has the form

where d is the average thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer together with the skin (mm), S is the body surface area (m 2), k \u003d 1.3.

For women, d is calculated as follows:

Add the thickness of the seven folds of skin and fat in millimeters (on the biceps, triceps, forearm, back, abdomen, thigh and lower leg). Divide the received amount by 14.

Body surface area is determined by the Dubois formula:

For women (20-60 years old) with a high relative body fat content, the formula is as follows:

The girth of the abdomen is measured at the level of the navel at the time of the pause between inhalation and exhalation.

Surely, many will find it difficult to understand the terms used above for the structure of the body and where to measure the folds. And it will be difficult to make calculations. Then you can use the method easier.

You can measure folds at 4 points:

on triceps at about the same distance from the shoulder and elbow joints

on the bicep, similar to triceps, on the opposite side of the arm

on the shoulder blade the fold is pinched just below it at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical so that the fold is directed along the line connecting the cervical vertebrae and the sides

at the waist near the navelwhere the most fat is

All results (in millimeters) are added. The fat percentage is calculated using the following table:

It provides data for women. For different ages, different indicators. This is due to the fact that with age, the amount of fat inside the muscles and in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs inevitably increases. When measured correctly, this method is 97-98% accurate.

Below you can see what the figure of women with different percentages of fat looks like.

How to calculate muscle percentage

For calculating muscle mass, the most correct and common way is also the Matejka formula. First you need to make the following measurements.

You need to measure the thickness of the fold with a caliper or caliper:

  1. on the front of the shoulder (biceps)
  2. on the back of the shoulder (triceps)
  3. on the forearm
  4. on the thigh in front
  5. on the shin

With a measuring tape, you need to measure the girth:

  • shoulder
  • forearms
  • hips
  • shins

Musculoskeletal Mass (SMM) Formula

where DT is height (m), k \u003d 6.5, r is the average value of the circumference of the shoulder, forearm, thigh and lower leg without subcutaneous fat and skin, determined by the formula

Shoulder girth is measured at rest at the point of greatest development; girth of the forearm - in the place of the greatest development of muscles on the freely hanging arm, the muscles are relaxed; shin girth - in the place of greatest development of the gastrocnemius muscle; thigh circumference is measured under the gluteal crease, body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, located shoulder-width apart. The folds are defined in the same position and locations as the girths.

To calculate muscle mass in percent, divide muscle mass by weight in kilograms and multiply by 100.

Bioimpedance Analysis

Based on significant differences in the conductivity of adipose tissue and lean body mass. The main conductors of electric current in the body are tissues with a high water content and electrolytes dissolved in it. Fat and bones have lower electrical conductivity.

Measurements are made using instruments with built-in software. They differ in the frequency (or set of frequencies) of the alternating current used, in terms of measurement, recommended electrode placement patterns, and built-in formulas for determining body composition.

Inexpensive single-frequency devices are used to monitor body fat and musculoskeletal mass. More expensive dual-frequency and multifrequency bioimpedance analyzers are used mainly in clinical medicine and scientific research.

A more accurate assessment of body composition can be obtained using devices that work by applying electrodes to the lower leg and wrist.

They produce hand-held bioimpedance fat analyzers that take information from the shoulder girdle. There are bathroom scales that you can use at home. It is on such scales that we will stop our attention.

When you step on the scale, a weak electrical current travels up one leg, through the pelvis, and then down the other leg. Since muscles contain more water, they conduct electricity better than fat. Thus, the more resistance, the more fat in your body. To calculate the percentage of fat mass and muscle, formulas are used based on the transmission speed of the electrical signal and other data that you enter: height, age, gender. Height must be entered with an accuracy of 1 centimeter. The results obtained are checked against the tables in the instructions for the scales. These charts show age and norms for muscle, fat and water in the body.

Of course, these scales are easy to use, but they do not give accurate results. Research has shown that the best scales are only 80% accurate. With their help, you can only roughly assess whether your body composition meets the established norms. Factors such as body type, fever, hydration, recent exercise, and last meal may affect results. Even wet or sweaty feet, as well as large calluses on the feet, can skew the results. It has been found that different scales give different readings. Such devices may be less accurate for the elderly, people with good physical fitness, children, and people with osteoporosis. Several other diseases also affect accuracy, including muscular dystrophy, polio, cirrhosis of the liver, and heart failure. In addition, these scales can overestimate the percentage of fat in lean people and underestimate it in those who are overweight. It is not recommended for pregnant women to use such a scale if there are electrical implants such as a pacemaker or defibrillator.

The balance should be placed on a flat floor, and when weighing, stand upright and not move (you can see the result after weighing in the balance's memory). It is necessary to weigh yourself at the same time of day (preferably in the morning on an empty stomach some time after you woke up and went to the toilet), do not do this immediately after training and weigh yourself in a room with a stable temperature.

There are no general standards for the ideal body fat and muscle percentage. It depends on age, gender, fitness and ethnicity.

According to some experts, the "healthy" range for fat is 23 to 33 percent for middle-aged women and up to 35 percent for older women. Athletes tend to have much less body fat. The lower mark for the fat content in the female body is 10%. As you strive to burn fat as much as possible, remember that too little fat in the body can lead to health problems.

For women, the average muscle mass is 36%.

In its most general form, the percentage of body fat is the ratio of available fat to everything else in the body (organs, muscles, bones, tendons, etc.). Fat is essential for survival: it protects internal organs, serves as a reserve source of energy, and performs many other important functions.

How much fat do we need

This table lists the generally accepted body fat percentages for men and women.

The fat you need is the minimum you need to survive. For this reason, bodybuilders dry their bodies to this point only before competition. The rest of the time, they maintain a higher percentage of fat so as not to undermine health and effectively.

  • If you're aiming to be thin, target your body fat percentage.
  • If you want to look healthy and fit, aim for an athletic body fat percentage.

If your body fat percentage is approaching the maximum permissible value of a normal physique or becomes obese, you might not hurt to reduce this figure.

What does a particular percentage of body fat look like?

It is important to understand that body fat only reflects body fat and has nothing to do with muscle mass. Two people with the same body fat percentage but different muscle mass will look completely different.

How to measure body fat

There are seven main methods that differ from each other in accuracy, simplicity, and cost.

1. Visual method

It consists of comparing yourself with the pictures above and determining who you are approximately similar to. A very imprecise way.

2. Using a caliper

Pull back the skin with subcutaneous fat, grab it with a caliper and find the percentage of fat that corresponds to the caliper reading in the table. As a rule, calipers show a lower percentage of fat than they actually are.

3. Using the formula

For example, you can use the US Navy formula or the YMCA formula. This method usually goes wrong in a big way.

4. Using electrical monitors

A weak electric current is passed through the body, and then a "biometric resistance" analysis is performed. Practice has shown that this method gives very inaccurate results.

5.Using Bod Pod System

Using a special device, the air displaced by the body is measured, based on the data obtained, the body weight, its volume and density are calculated. This method is considered very accurate but expensive.

6. Water displacement method

Very accurate (with an error of only 1-3%), but expensive, complicated and inconvenient method.

7. Scanning DEXA

This method is considered the most accurate and consists in a complete study of body composition using an X-ray. Also a very expensive way.

Whichever method you choose, try to take measurements at the same time and under similar conditions: for example, on a certain day of the week, in the morning, on an empty stomach. Even if the data obtained is inaccurate, you will be able to understand if there is any progress.

How to reduce the percentage of body fat

Calorie deficit

Spend more than you consume. But keep in mind that if you do not exercise and limit yourself in carbohydrates, then along with fat you will lose muscle mass. This is not the best way, but fat loss is guaranteed.

Pull iron

When you train with weights (as well as during intense training with body weight), you maintain muscle mass, as well as speed up your metabolism and achieve a "afterburn" effect, where calories continue to be consumed after the workout.

Body fat percentage, Body Mass Index (BMI)

The effect of a diet or exercise program can only be verified when you have accurate biometric data. This web page will help you calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage and lean body mass. You will also get an estimate of your daily calories and protein needs at your activity level. You should record your measurements once a week to keep track of your results. If you keep the data in spreadsheets (eg MS Excel), you will have the ability to create charts to make it easier to observe trends.

The number of calories in foods we eat and the number of calories we use determine whether we lose weight or gain weight. The extra calories we consume are stored as fat in our body. To maintain a steady weight, the number of calories in our diet must be equal to the number of calories that we expend through activity, excrete as waste, or use to renew skin, hair, nails and other body tissues. To lose weight, we must eat fewer calories than our body requires, so that the fat that is in our body is used and replenishes the missing part of the calories we need. Before starting any diet, you should consult with your doctor or dietitian, especially if you are taking medication.

How to take measurements

The body needs protein to maintain muscle and produce hormones. Essential fatty acids are needed for cell replication and for maintaining the structure of the nervous system. Therefore, any reduction in calories must be accomplished by reducing the amount of saturated fat and carbohydrates. The diet should always provide sufficient amounts of essential fatty acids and protein. The body needs at least 15 grams of essential fatty acids per day, which are found in meat, fish, and nuts. A very low calorie diet (less than 1,300 calories per day) usually does not provide all the nutrients needed for good health.

The percentage of fat in the circumference of body parts. The proposed form is used to calculate the daily protein requirement, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio and body fat percentage. These metrics also help you track your progress. Measurements must be accurate to the nearest 0.5 cm or 1/4 inch. Measurements should be made so that the tape is tense, but does not compress the skin.

  • Height - measure without shoes
  • The weight - You need to weigh yourself in the morning, after using the toilet, on an empty stomach, without clothes.
  • Waist (Men) - measure horizontally, at the level of the navel
    (Women) - Measure horizontally, at the minimum width of the abdomen
  • Neck - Neck circumference is measured by placing a tape around the neck horizontally under the Adam's apple.
  • Hips (Women) - Largest horizontal circumference around the hips.

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Activity level

  • Sedentary - Passive activities, watching TV, working on a computer, reading
  • Moderate activity - One hour a day walking, swimming, jogging, tennis
  • Active activity - Two or more hours a day playing sports or rearranging furniture

Enter your height, weight and other information, and then click the "Calculate" button.

Create a link to this web page from your blog or web page. Just copy the following HTML snippet into your blog or web page and a hyperlink will be created using the following Diet Calculator icon

What do the numbers mean?

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) - The ratio of mass to height is measured in kg / m 2 and is calculated by the formula:
    BMI \u003d m / h 2
    where: m - body weight in kilograms, h - height in meters

    In general, BMI is small for slender people and large for fat people. People with a BMI of 25 or more are considered overweight if their body is not very muscular. BMI does not consider the amount of fat or muscle in the body. BMI can classify a thin, muscular person as overweight. This is a known flaw in the BMI formula. If your BMI is 25 or more, your waist-to-height ratio is less than 0.5, and your body fat percentage is in the "athlete" or "average" range, you are probably muscular, not fat.

    BMI \u003d 36.6

    BMI \u003d 41.4

    BMI cannot determine how weight is distributed.

    Typical body shapes corresponding to the Body Mass Index

  • Waist to height ratio - A waist-to-height ratio of 0.5 or more indicates an increased amount of abdominal fat for both men and women. Abdominal fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Body fat percentage - calculated using formulas for the circumference of body parts method developed by Hodgdon and Beckett. Men and women require different measurement methods because men tend to accumulate belly fat (apple figures) and women accumulate belly and thigh fat (pear figures).

    Formula for men:

    % Fat \u003d 495 / (1.0324-0.19077 (log (Waist-Neck)) + 0.15456 (log (Height))) - 450

    Formula for women:

    % Fat \u003d 495 / (1.29579-0.35004 (log (Waist + Hips-Neck)) + 0.22100 (log (Height))) - 450

    Body fat percentage

  • Lean body weight (Body mass without fat) - Calculated by subtracting body fat weight from total weight.

    Lean Body Mass \u003d Weight × (100 - Body Fat Percentage)

  • Daily calorie requirement - The minimum calorie intake per day is calculated based on height and sex using the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine. When the BMI is 25 or more, the calculator reduces the minimum calorie intake by 15% to get a diet that can be maintained by healthy people for many months without negative consequences.
  • Protein grams per day - calculated from maximum normal BMI, height, and activity level. The recommended amount of protein is 0.8 grams per pound of body weight for low levels of activity, 1.1 grams for moderate activity, and 1.4 grams for vigorous activity. Other components of the diet, including essential fatty acids and carbohydrates, must be proportioned to provide the minimum required calories per day. Any diet should always include at least the minimum amount of protein to prevent muscle loss when calorie intake is lowered. A typical high protein diet contains 30% of calories from protein, 30% from fat, and 40% from carbohydrates. The following table shows the percentages of nutrients for the 2000 and 1800 calories.


  1. ... Provides information regarding diet and nutrition
  2. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients) (2002). A book about nutrition and health.
  3. Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades, M.D., "Protein Power", Bantam Books, 1996. Describes a low fat diet that has had great clinical success in reducing obesity and normalizing insulin levels.
  4. Barry Sears, Bill Lawren, "The Zone: A Dietary Road Map to Lose Weight Permanently", ReganBook, 1995. Recommends a 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat diet.
  5. S.D. Hsieh, H. Yoshinaga, T. Muto, Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord.2003 May; 27 (5): 610-6. Waist-to-height ratio, a simple and practical index for assessing central fat distribution and metabolic risk in Japanese men and women.
  6. J. Hodgdon, and M. Beckett, "Prediction of percent body fat for U.S. Navy men and women from body circumferences and height." Reports No. 84-29 and 84-11. Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, Cal. 1984.

Copyright 2012 - Antonio Zamora

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    Thank you so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is very clear. Feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I wouldn't have been motivated enough to devote a lot of time to running this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep, organize scattered data, try what no one has done before, or did not look from this angle. It is a pity that only our compatriots, because of the crisis in Russia, are by no means up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, as goods there are several times cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start on the range of branded items, vintage items, handicrafts and various ethnic goods.

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  • It's also nice that eBay's attempts to russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in the knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population know English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface in Russian is a great help for online shopping on this marketplace. Ebey did not follow the path of his Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of the description of goods is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far, we have this (a profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English-language description):